Friday, December 02, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers tonight at 6PM to daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv at Paul Fischer's apartment. Please bring a siddur.

9 Barrow Street, 5F (between West 4th and 7th Avenue) at 6PM

We gather again on December 16th and are seeking a host in the East Village or Lower East Side.

That night, Dec 16th, the Bialystoker Schul (no relation to The Producers) in the Lower East Side is hosting a big Shabbat dinner in their beautiful synagogue. The event is free and they encourage Kol haKfar to attend. Several of us will be heading over there after davening -- please RSVP to and mention that you're from Kol haKfar.

Other announcements:

The Village Minyan meets Dec 17th at 10AM at the Greenwich House Music Shool at 46 Barrow Street.

Joanna Pozen is subletting her large one bedroom on Charles Street, just east of 7th Avenue, from January to July 2006. Contact her at

Will Yagoda's friend, Gav Bellino has started a Wednesday night class about Chasidism at the Young Israel of Fifth Avenue. “Innovations of the formative period of Hasidism” will be between 7-8 pm.

Rahel Lerner, our famous alumnus, is part of a program about Jewish writers:

Please join us for an evening of conversation regarding Jewish-American writing and what it means to identify and be identified as a "Jewish-American"/ "Jewish"/"American" writer. This promises to be an excellent evening, one that will bring together a group of important established and emerging writers. *See below for discount code for tickets.

On Being (and Not Being) a Jewish-American Writer
Yael Goldstein, Dara Horn, Erica Jong, Jonathan Rosen, Thane Rosenbaum and Lara Vapnyar - Derek Rubin, moderator

Tue, Dec 6, 2005, 8:15pm Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street
Price: $20.00 DISCOUNT: $10, code: BR1


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