Thursday, November 10, 2005


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets again on November 18th for davening and a potluck dinner at 6PM. Please bring either kosher vegetarian food or non-kosher vegetarian food -- we'll have a two table set up for this meal. Also, please bring a siddur. Jean Steiner will be our host:

14 Washington Pl. Apt. 7L
(there's a doorman, so don't worry about buzzing)

Other events:
Asher's band, Eschaton, plays at 11/1o at Crash Mansion (199 bowery @ spring st.) on Thursday, 11/10. He starts a little after 7pm, and will be followed by 5 other bands. A maker's mark open bar goes from 7-9pm.

Denny, in Sofia Run, plays at CBGB's Gallery Monday Nov 14 at 10:30pm - 313 bowery (3rd ave)

There's a massive Carlebach shabbaton at the JCC Nov 17-20. Please go to the JCC website for more info.


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