Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dear Kol haKfar,

Two items --

1) We are meeting on Sept 16th and looking for a host. Please email us at

2) Stephanie Green, from New Orleans, is helping her family look for housing. Here's her message:

Dear Friends and Family,

My apologies for the mass mailing, but I'm hoping that through all ofyou (and through the networks of people you know), I might be able togather some contacts in Baton Rouge who could help my family in theaftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Everyone in my family was able to successfully evacuate the City priorto the Hurricane, thank goodness, but they will not be able to return tothe City for some time and my parents' house is under water. I am trying to find them a furnished rental apartment in Baton Rouge that they canstay in for several months or longer.

If anyone has any connections in Baton Rouge that you could pass on to me, I would greatly appreciate it. I am hopeful that someone local mightbe able to help me find a place for my parents. (If you are comfortable sharing this message with your network of friends and family, that would be very helpful to me, as well.)

I can be reached at or 917-385-7835. Thanks so much. I hope all of you are well.

-- Stephanie Green


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