Thursday, February 16, 2006


Kol haKfar gathers again this Friday, February 17th, at 6pm at Paul Fischer's apartment. Please bring a siddurs and please be on time.

9 Barrow Street, 5F (between West 4th and 7th Avenue). 6PM
We have been asked by Time magazine to allow a photographer to take pictures during this Kabbalat Shabbat. The magazine is writing about minyanim - this is a big opportunity for us to spread the word and also to grapple with our values. Let me know your thoughts -- are you comfortable or not with a photographer being with us for a few minutes? If we go ahead the photographer will have to leave before we daven Ma'ariv and we may try to just sing a ningun before Kabbalat Shabbat so we don't actually daven with a photographer present.

A few members have said they are OK with this, as long as we get the photographer out early and create a space so people can daven without being photographed. In general our policy is to not violate the rules of Shabbat -- but this seems to be a special case which won't be repeated for a long time to come. Again, let me know your thoughts.

Thank you,

Zachary Thacher


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