Monday, February 27, 2006


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, is featured in the current issue of Time magazine. We're also in Jew School. Life is good. In other news, we meet this Friday night, March 3rd, at 6pm, to daven Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv. We've also had a location change.

Please join us and bring siddurim, friends, ex-lovers, spouses, children, random Jews you've met on the subway, current lovers, or whomever comprises your entourage. Bling, as always, is encouraged -- the person with the largest gold Chai gets to lead kiddush.

This Friday we gather at Jill Goldenziel and Mike Pine's apartment:225 E. 6th St., #2L
Please be on time. Immediately following is a dinner at nearby Town & Village Synagogue. Details below:


Please join us! On Friday night, March 3, Town & Village Synagogue will be participating in the 10th Anniversary of Shabbat Across America, a national, historic Jewish event. At hundreds of congregations across the United States and Canada, we will gather to pray and share a Shabbat meal. Everyone is invited -- students, singles, couples, friends, neighbors! Please join us for a delicious Shabbat dinner at 334 East 14th Street 7:15 p.m. (Dinner cost is $20/adult.)

More information about Shabbat Across America can be found on the attached flyer and reservation form (also at the bottom of this e-mail). Please email by returning the Reservation Form with your dinner payment to the Town and Village office . Or contact Town and Village at 212-677-8090 or Space is limited, so please reserve your place soon.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Yes, I would like to attend Shabbat Across Americaâ„¢ on Friday, March 3.

Names: ___________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________email: ____________________________

Is there someone you would like to sit with?________________________________

Number of Adults: ___ x $20 = ______
Number of Children Under 13: ___ x $14 = ______
How many of you are vegetarians? _____
Enclosed is my check payable to Town & Village Synagogue for: $ ______

Please respond by February 28, 2006 to Town & Village Synagogue
334 East 14th Street, New York, NY 10003
212-677-8090 or


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