Monday, April 17, 2006


Kol haKfar, the downtown egal minyan, seeks a host for this Friday night at 7pm. Please email us at All you need to do is a have a room that can fit 20+ people, a bottle of kosher wine, some cups, and a few kosher cookies.

Since it's become difficult lately to find hosts I'd like to assemble a list of people willing to host the minyan a few times each year. If we can secure enough homes then we can have a loose schedule so people can have an idea of what months we'd need them to host.

Please email us to open your home to the minyan. Homes south of 23rd Street are fair game!

Happy Chol Mo'ed,

Kol haKfar
Kol haKfar The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan

To subscribe, email
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Community Notice:
April 30 Save Darfur Rally in Washington DC
Since February 2003, a government-backed militia known as Janjaweed has been engaging in a genocidal campaign to wipe out communities of African tribal farmers in Darfur, Sudan. Millions of people now live in displacement camps lacking adequate food, healthcare, and sanitation.

Attacks on civilians continue. Genocide is a Jewish issue. Help us fight back. Learn more about the crisis and what you can do to help by visiting the American Jewish World Service website at Join members of the Downtown Kehillah community in traveling to the rally in Washington D.C. on Sunday, April 30th. We will collectively voice to the White House and the Congress that the United States must take a more influential role in stopping this ongoing genocide in which over 300,000 Sudanese have been killed and over a million have been displaced.

The rally will feature a broad spectrum of prominent political figures, religious leaders, human rights activists, entertainers, journalists and thousands of others who support a stronger multi-national force to protect the civilians of Darfur. We will travel together on buses leaving from the 14th Street Y and return the same day. Our goal as a community is to fill six buses of advocates!

Please help us meet that goal by signing up for a seat on the buses today at Choose Downtown Kehillah as your affiliation (the code is DARTDK01W6) when making your $30.00 bus reservation.


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