Thursday, March 09, 2006


This Monday night 3/13 is erev Purim. Many of us are going to the Charles Street Schul (Derech Amuno) on West 4th Street and Charles Street at around 7:45pm. It's always a great time and sometimes Golem plays there -- but it's not egalitarian. I know I know, someday they'll see the light, but until then I like to go to a kosher megillah reading to fulfill the mitzvah, and then drink until I confuse West Village coop prices with numbers I can afford. Low numbers.

Others from KhK are joining the equally non-egal Village Minyan at the Village Community School, on 272 W. 10th Street, for megillah fun and significant interactions with hamentaschen, prepared by Ms. Green. The reading is at 6:45pm in Room 208.

Still others will be here: The Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue (11 E. 11th St.) on Monday night at 6:30. Our very own Efrem Epstein will read the megillah.

After our various readings some of us may schlep to the UWS to the Hadar party (oxymoron? you be the judge) at Star, Columbus b/w 71st & 72nd, where the Righteous Richter Brothers promote a booze-fest/singles hookup marathon that somehow helps people in Africa. I suppose by giving money. Another mitzvah.

There are four mitzvahs for Purim: hearing the megillah, giving to the poor, giving mishloach manot (food gifts to at least one person) and enjoying a feast on the day of Purim -- Tuesday. Getting drunk is just a tradition, so y'all have fun but don't get too crazy. Or get too crazy, but don't call it a mitzvah. Call it crazy.
On Friday March 17th, Stephanie and Zeke host the minyan in their lovely East Village home, where coop prices are actually not that much lower than the West Village. Can I start drinking now?

Shabbat Shalom,

Kol haKfar


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