Friday, July 28, 2006

Friends --

We endure another unwanted war against Jews. It is fitting, perhaps, to talk of dark days during Tisha B'Av.

For some this new battle is a complicated matter of Hezbollah, the extension of the Shiite crescent, the Lebanese search for justice with a state-within-a-state funded by Iran and Syria, the existential struggle for Israel to secure her borders, and the impossible task of determining just responses to terror attacks. For others it is a simple reflex to protect Jewish lives.

But for all of us who support the Jewish people and our right to a safe homeland, it is critical to demonstrate to the world and to ourselves that we support Israel. We must obsess over the news, argue and harangue, flirt and fantasize, and we need to make donations. And drink.

Please join me Thursday evening August 3rd at the M&R Bar to raise funds for Israel, to party and to demonstrate our solidarity. The night before many of us will listen to the Book of Lamentations as we mourn the loss of the Temple and our sovereignty. On Thursday night we will say l'chaim to friends and open our pocketbooks to celebrate our inevitable triumph.

M&R Bar -- 8pm
356 Bowery, basement, east side, b/w W 4th and Great Jones.

Suggested donation to the " UJA-Israel Solidarity Fund": 95% of your dollars will go to Israel.
Bring checks -- those are the paper things before online banking -- or cash and I'll donate it for you. Yes, you'll have to trust me.
  • Sugar daddy/mama: $54
  • Gainfully employed: $36
  • Student, artist, not-so-gainfully employed: $18
  • Hoping to meet Sugar Daddy/Mama: $6

For those of you who are fasting, it ends at 8:47pm. Come at 8:48pm. You know how I feel about punctuality.



PS If you can't make the event please donate online.


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