Friday, August 08, 2014

Zachary Thacher hosts a fundraiser to support the Friend of the IDF emergency fund for wounded soldiers. Former soldier Matt Ronen will speak about his experiences in the IDF. Half-price drinks from 6:30pm - 9pm.

Tuesday August 19th at Destination Bar -- Ave A and 13th St.
Take a stand. Join us. Please share.

$54 suggested donation at the door or online.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Kol haKfar, the (way) downtown egalitarian minyan, gathersthis Friday night at Ragner Reyes' apartment in the Financial District. Weather permitting, we'll daven Shabbat prayers and dine on his terrace with a potluck dairy/vegetarian meal. And maybe have some Cuban dancing.

Please RSVP via the spreadsheet ( or email ( to show what you're bringing so we have a well-rounded meal. Side dishes are particularly appreciated. Ragner is rumored to like scotch.

Ragner Reyes, 7pm
-- email us at for the address --

During this tumultuous time in Israel, I wish you a thoughtful and restorative Tish B'Av. It's amazing to think that we can witness this memorial holiday with a sovereign Israel as a political and spiritual reality. May she stay strong and remain whole. 

Shavuah tov,

Zachary from KhK

Friday, July 25, 2014

Due to illness Zachary can't host tonight - 7/25/2014. Paul Fischer, with a big assist by Leora, has generously offered his place instead. Please go to Paul's at 7pm.

Please email for the address.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Shabbat Shalom.

Kol haKfar gathers tonight -- 7/25/2014 -- at Zachary's place in the West Village at 7pm. Please email for the details. The meal will be vegetarian/dairy, please bring a side dish to share.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday for Shabbat. We'll join a brand new host in his lovely apartment for Shabbat prayers and a vegetarian community meal.

Please bring food to share and ruach to inspire: we need sides, kosher & regular wine, beverages, etc. Please note what you're bringing on the list. or

Friday, June 20th
Sammy Deutsch's place, 7pm
-- email for the address --

Have a good week.

-- Zachary from KhK

Community Notes:

(1) We are all deeply concerned about the kidnappings in Israel. MJE has organized a prayer gathering tonight (Monday 6/16) at Manhattan Day School: 310 W 75th St (West End and Riverside).

Even if you can't join, please recite a prayer for: 
Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah
Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim
Eyal ben Iris Teshurah 

May God bless the IDF's efforts and bring our boys home.

(2) KhK member Adina Rosenthal invites everyone to celebrate the amazing work of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) at its annual benefit for Global Circle, their young professionals group. Purchase tickets: More info:

(3) Lastly, we need hosts! Please open your home to the Jew Crew. Email

-- Zachary

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Shalom friends,

This is a reminder that Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday night for a festive Shabbat gathering. We're talking egalitarian davening in Hebrew, a dairy/vegetarian community meal, and a short d'var Torah.

Please bring food to share: we always need vegetarian sides, kosher & regular wine, non-alcoholic beverages, etc. Please note what you're bringing on the list. or email

Friday, June 6th--email for address--

Community Note:
KhK member Adina Rosenthal invites everyone to celebrate the amazing work of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) on June 26th at its annual benefit for Global Circle, their young professionals group. Buy a ticket now before they're sold out! Purchase tickets here: For more info:

Lastly, we need hosts! Please open your home to the Jew Crew. Instant karma/tikkun points applied to you in the afterlife, guaranteed.

-- Zachary

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Shalom friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, presents a special Shavuot program on Tuesday evening in Leora's lovely loft. We'll enjoy dinner, potluck desserts, holiday drinks and a DIY Leil Tikkun.

Please bring a dairy dessert or beverage; the minyan will pick up the main course. Since we're lay-led, it seems fitting to have a group Leil Tikkun. If you'd like to give a short drash about the chag, please note it on the spreadsheet, along with what you're bringing. /

The goal is to have a few good group conversations about receiving the Torah, the Book of Ruth, or whatever else is relevant.

Tuesday, June 3rd
Email us for the address.

Next up, the kehilah meets on next Friday for our regularly scheduled Shabbat gathering, this time in Union Square. Stay tuned for more info next week.

-- Zachary

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This Friday night Kol haKfar, the egalitarian minyan, gathers in the West Village for Shabbat tefilot and a community meal.

Paul Fischer is our handsome host in his beautiful apartment. We'll be having a dairy/vegetarian meal after services. Please bring side dishes, wine or dessert to help make a great dinner.

Please tell us what you're bringing: or

Friday, May 16
Paul Fischer's home, 7pm
--email us for the address--

Monday, April 14, 2014

Kol haKfar wishes all of you a very special Pesah -- freedom is a wonderful gift, best shared with all of humanity.

This Friday 4/18 we're hosting a Pesah meal at Jean Steiner's beautiful Chelsea home. We'll have spirited davening for Shabbat and then a festive, catered, meat, kosher l'pesah meal. Yum!

We ask all attendees to contribute a required $18 donation. Please go to and click the PayPal button in the right column, or bring check/cash to give to a board member at the event. Please add yourself to the list so we know how much food to order -

Our host asks that you kindly remove your shoes before entering. Please note that her name is not on the buzzer.

Jean Steiner's apartment, 7pm

email at for the address!חג שמח
-- Zachary

Monday, February 17, 2014

Shalom Friends,

Kol haKfar gathers this Friday night to celebrate Shabbat with the newlyweds Carrie Kingsley and Marc Miller at their lovely home off Union Square. They're hosting a dairy/vegetarian meal. Please bring side dishes and wine -- non-kosher wine is preferred in their domestic shrine to oenology. Since our hosts were just married last weekend (!!), we'll have a special toast.
Please join us, and please let us know on the spreadsheet ( what you're bringing so we can make sure a fantastic meal. Or you can email

Carrie Kingsley and Marc Miller, 7pm
--email us for the address--
Shavuah Tov,
